The National Professional Qualifications Programmes
Places for April 2025 NPQs:
Funded and Non-Funded places for our Spring 2025 programmes are still available.
Click here to start your application
We’re pleased to announce that we are partnering with education charity Ambition Institute to deliver the new and reformed NPQs which have been developed as a complete series, sharing a common language. This means you can have the confidence that all the educators in your school are building and developing their knowledge from the same evidence-based frameworks.
Peruse the individual NPQ Programmes by clicking on the links opposite for Flyers and at the base of this page for a more detailed summary.
When you have decided which Programme is ideal for you simply register your interest using the link below and the Application process will begin.
You can learn more about Ambition here.
To apply for one of the NPQ's (National Professional Qualifications), please contact us using this online form.
NPQs we offer
Leadership Programmes
NPQ for Headship
For school leaders who are, or are aspiring to be, a Headteacher.
Develop the knowledge that underpins expert school leadership and apply it to become an outstanding headteacher.
NPQ for Senior Leadership
For school leaders who are, or are aspiring to be, a senior leader with whole school responsibilities.
Develop your leadership knowledge and expertise to improve outcomes for teachers and pupils in your school.
NPQ for Early Years Leadership
For school leaders who are, or aspiring to be, a senior leader of early years in school.
Become an early years expert and help to give all children up to the age of five the best possible start in life.
This is a new course for Autumn 24 and replaces the NASENCO qualification.
Become an expert leader of special educational need and learn how you can build an inclusive culture in your school.
Specialist Programmes
NPQ for Leading Teaching
For current, or aspiring, middle leaders in a phase, key stage or subject and senior leaders.
Learn what outstanding teaching looks like and use this knowledge to become a high performing leader of teaching.
NPQ for Leading Teacher Development
For those who lead on the professional development of other teachers.
Become an expert teacher educator and learn how to successfully support your teachers to improve their own practice through carefully sequenced professional development
NPQ for Leading Behaviour Culture
For those who lead on behaviour and supporting pupil wellbeing in your school.
Gain expertise in behaviour management and discover how to create a culture where staff and pupils can thrive.
NPQ for Leading Literacy
For those who lead, or are aspiring to lead, on literacy in any phase of education.
You'll become an expert leader of literacy and learn its importance in enabling young people to reach their full potential.
NPQ for Leading Primary Mathematics
For those who lead on teaching maths in primary schools.
Become an expert leader of primary mathematics and learn how to embed high-quality mastery approaches to maths teaching in your school.
Early Headship Coaching Offer for new Headteachers (EHCO)
Click the link below to read how members of our network have engaged with, and benefitted from, the EHCO programme:
How An EHCO Can Inspire Culture Change
Apply to be a Visiting Fellow
To apply to be a Visiting Fellow, or to enquire about the role and responsibility of being a Visiting Fellow, please contact us using this online form or scan the QR code: